Signs of a Mosquito Infestation
In the Costa Blanca we have all seen a huge increase in this unpleasant little pest after the recent
winter rains.
The Tiger Mosquito (larger) is characterised by its black and white striped legs, and small black and white striped body and native to the tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast Asia; however, in the past couple of decades this species has invaded many countries throughout the world through the transport of goods and increasing international travel.
This mosquito has become a significant pest in many communities because it closely associates with humans (rather than living in wetlands), and typically flies and feeds in the daytime in addition to at dusk and dawn. So how can we control these blood sucking pests (it is only the females that want your blood)? Mosquitoes lay up to 250 eggs at a time in still water, which will hatch in 7 to 15 days. If standing water is eliminated weekly, many mosquitoes will be kept from breeding in the first place.
Mosquito repelling plants
We have plants that are
scientifically proven to repel mosquitoes. Place a few of these
pot plants in your patio or naya and job done. Plant them in your flower borders and whole garden protection - permanent solution!!
See our products page for
even more mosquito products.
Our Barrier Mosquito Service
Are you
thinking of having friends around, a BBQ, a social gathering or a
terrace party and are worried about your guests being bitten. Don't
worry we provide a "Barrier Service" that will protect your
guests for the duration of the event. Just call us and we come and treat
and give protection to your entire outside area with insecticide that
will last for several weeks.