By placing an order with us (whether through our site, over the telephone,
SMS or by other means), you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into a binding contract, you are at least 18 years old and you
reside in, own, or manage the premises, and that you (or your delegated appointed
representative) will be present during the treatment, be paying for the service and will also be deemed "the client".
the appointed representative be relieved of his duties by the client, then subsequent negotiations will be treated as a new enquiry and will be charged accordingly.
We do not provide a pest identification service. We respond to reported pest problems. We cannot be responsible for identifying a pest based on photos or comments from the client before a visit, but we will do our best to assist.
The Contract:
After you (or your appointed representative) placing an order (giving us all relevant
information with respect to the reported pest e.g. Location in dwelling,
its numbers, when first noticed etc), you will receive an e-mail from us acknowledging that we have received your order. Please note that this does not mean that your order has been accepted. Your order constitutes an offer to us to buy a
Service or Product. All orders are subject to acceptance by us, and we will confirm such acceptance to you by sending you an e-mail, fax or letter that confirms that we have accepted the order (the Confirmation).
The contract between us (the Contract) will only be formed when we send you the Confirmation. If there are any problems with the confirmation, then the client must inform us immediately.
We reserve the right to refuse to supply our Products or Services.
The Contract will relate only to those pest services that we have confirmed in the Confirmation. We will not be obliged to supply any other Services which may have been part of your
request until it has been confirmed in a separate Confirmation.
If you do not agree with anything in the "Confirmation" then
you should contact us immediately. If you have chosen to only
communicate via WhatsApp, SMS or TEXT then you will not receive the benefits of
our standard "Confirmation", and bookings are undertaken entirely at the
clients risk.
For the purpose of these conditions, the relevant Pests shall be whichever pests
in the locations that are referred to in the Confirmation. The General Terms together with the terms set out in the relevant schedule hereto shall apply to the
Contract, and it is assumed that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of the contract before placing an
order. The contract between us (the Contract) ends on completion of the
work described in the confirmation, no further correspondence will be
entered into. Any subsequent requests for more products or
services will be deemed a new contract.
Your Obligation:
You hereby permit us to apply approved pesticides and or deploy equipment as we deem necessary, to deliver an effective
treatment. With any pests, it is important to eradicate the pest that you are present after the initial visit to re-administer any necessary further treatments/poisons. Failure to do so may compromise the effectiveness of the
treatment and this is entirely at the clients risk.
You agree to ensure:
1) Free access to all parts of the premises for the purpose of
inspection treatment or surveillance
2) Access to an electricity and
water supply if required
3) Agree to ensure that any/all preparation
work has been carried out prior to the visit.
4) Agree to ensure that all safety and
recommended treatment instructions are followed during and post treatment.
5) All areas to be inspected and/or treated are of sound construction, cleared of any rubbish, obstructive furniture, and are easily accessable, and do not pose a safety risk.
(If any of the above 5 conditions are not met, we reserve the right to cancel the appointment and charge for a repeat visit.)
6) To conduct yourself in a courteous manner. Any rude, abusive or threatening behavior will result in
a) the pest controller terminating the treatment and leaving the premises.
b) Withdrawing our services withought notification, with immediate effect.
You agree to supply us with all relevant information
regarding the dwelling i.e name of client, name of payee, preferred
method of payment (Cash or IBAN), property address, direction etc (including Spanish contact number),
preferred date and time of appointment, prior to the visit. Also all relevant requested information (possibly including
picture), with respect to the infestation, suspected
infestation or re-infestation at the property. Once we have all the
information we will then send the Confirmation. You also agree to immediately
inform us (in the case of a pest no-show as a
result of
adverse weather conditions) on the day of treatment. Failure to do so may incur further cost.
You hereby covenant not to request or permit us to access any part of the site or premises which you know or suspect to be hazardous, or in which a potentially hazardous process is carried out, without first briefing us or our
inspector on the nature of the hazard and the precautions to be observed.
You or your nominated representative must be available at the site during the agreed date and time slot, unless prior arrangements have been made in advance for us to carry out the Service in your absence, via a keyholder (representative). Under these circumstances you will obviously not receive the benefit of any pest control inspection advice from the pest controller. Should advice be
required, then a post visit "Report" should be requested.
If the you/your representative needs to leave the premises and requests that the Pest Controller "locks up",
it is the sole responsibilty of the owner/representative.
Agreed slots are approximate and allowances should be made for previous
job over runs or traffic problems (please allow 1 hour ether way). If no one is present when we call at the
premises we will leave, there is no entitlement to a refund and you will still be liable for our contracted fee.
If due to weather, clients change of circumstances or
instructions, late payment by IBAN, we will re-schedule the work if
booked within 14 days. Note further charges may be applied Cancellations will incur a cancellation fee to compensate our pest
controller for his or her time. This is normally 50 euros. Re-scheduled visits will
have to be paid in advance (plus any unpaid cancellation charge) by IBAN.
For cancellations on Pre-Paid jobs, the same
cancellation timescale as above applies. If the job is re-scheduled
within 14 days then the same price will be applicable. After 14 days the
job will be deemed a new job and will be chargeable. We
reserve the right to cancel jobs for whatever reason.
We do not give refunds for any reason including change of mind.
Should however a refund be unavoidable, then it will be by IBAN or Card in full, but maybe minus costs.
Our call out charge is for calling out to a single property,
occupied, finished, habitable, domestic property for a single pest infestation. If this is not the case then any treatment may be compromised. All call out requests need to be confirmed by email.
On occasions where next day call out is not possible (for any reason)
then a suitable date and time will always be agreed with the client.
Should a pre booked call out be requested, and due to weather (e.g. rain etc)
and there is a pest no show, then the client needs to phone on the day, and a new appointment will be scheduled
within 14 days.
The call out charge is to treat a single domestic property (excluding
drains and septic tanks) in single family occupancy
for a single confirmed species. If different species are found, an
additional fee for each additional species will be required.
We do not phone non Spanish telephone/mobile numbers. If it is unavoidable
we reserve the right to charge a min of 10.00 euro supplement. We also
reserve the right to charge an additional fee for third party phone calls, texts, emails etc.
We reserve the right to vary our charges from time to time.
For Safety and Security reasons, it is important that the premises are opened and closed by the homeowner or the appointed keyholder. Any other arrangements are made entirely at the clients risk.
Keyholding: We reserve the right to charge an additional fee of 25 euros for administration of
keys (25 euros on collection and 25 euros return on day of treatment).
Collection/Return of keys other than day of treatment will be charged as a
new call out. It is important that appointed third party key holders are aware of
their responsibilities with respect to passing any information with respect to the pest to the controller, and communicating any advice or
recommendations to the owner of the property, as visit reports requested after a call out are chargeable.
Quotations whether verbal or in writing are based on
the information supplied by the client at the time. Where this
information is found to be inaccurate or incomplete then a revised quote
will be supplied. Pests breed over time so ignoring them is always going
to make the problem worse. Quotations are valid for 3 days and new
quotes may well be more if
the pest has been left untreated.
Offers whether verbal or in writing are based on
the information supplied by the client at the time and the offer made. Offers are valid for a period of 7 days.
Killing pests is not an instant or quick fix, and all
of our methods/chemicals are tested, effective and do the job. All treatment materials and products are included
free in the first call out charge (excluding cockroach exterminator and
pool wasp repellent). Treatments are supplied on the basis
that they are appropriate to treat the pest problem that is reported in the area that has been reported. And that the area is accessible and has had all furniture removed for the the purpose of access and treatment. We only treat the infected area for the reported pest.
We shall also perform a full internal and external inspection to
identify the cause of the problem. We will suggest any DIY measures that
are needed to remedy the problem, but if this is not achievable
(due to access issues, multiple entry/exit points, clients movements etc), we shall seek to control them instead. For example, if the core infestation is emanating from another property (including another flat within the same building), we will seek to control the problem in the clients property, as we will be unable to eliminate them, or alternatively in
the case of cockroaches we may suggest the use of our cockroach mass
extermination box to control the pests external to the premises. After
the inspection, we will advise the client on the measure needed to
prevent future infestations. We will then lay poison/bait, apply
insecticide dust, apply any other insecticide as we feel necessary (e.g.
to insecticide drains or septic tanks)..
We do not administer treatments that fall into the category of normal housekeeping, DIY, or preventative treatments, just in case or for the future.
If for any reason you are not happy with or disagree with any treatment
then it is your prerogative to say so at the time. We treat the pests that we see
or find on the day and cannot be held responsible for pest no shows due
to weather conditions, time of day, third party activity (e.g. cleaners,
guests) etc.
Under all circumstances, we will use our best professional expertise to
administer an appropriate treatment. In the case of Cockroaches and
Mice/Rats we will use our best efforts to investigate the source of the
infestation by identifying holes etc where the pest may enter the
dwelling. But we do not remove or dismantle furniture, kitchen units or
false ceilings. Under these circumstances it is the responsibility of
the owner to employ the services of a handyman. Whole house or full property surveys/treatments are available
upon request. Please contact us for prices.
Treatments result in dead insects, however we do not
generally remove dead insects (e.g. bed bugs, ants, cockroaches,
mosquitoes, flies, beetles, wasps etc) as it is impractical to do so.
However if the insect is hazardous (e.g. Pine Caterpillars) we do remove
Repeat Visits:
Due to the nature of some infestations (e.g.
Woodworm, Termites, Cockroaches, Ants, Wasps, Rats), repeat visits
may be necessary. The repeat visit may be to re-administer poison or top
up the bait left in traps or bait boxes. Repeat visits to investigate the original pest problem are chargeable. It must be understood that on the original visit, the advice given to solve the problem should be understood by the client and used to solve the problem. We do not inherit pest problems due to the quality or lack of quality of the property or failure to follow our advice. That is the sole responsibily of the client. Any repeat visits that may be requested in under 6 months from the initial visit (whether for existing pests or different pests), must be pre-paid and are charged at an appropriate rate (or
sometimes are complementary), but in any event all products are chargeable. The rate will depend on the complexity of the job, but normally the client will be
advised of this and advised of any alternative DIY remedies that may be
appropriate. Repeat visits should be booked in as normal, and we will attempt to attend within 14 days of first
visit. Outside this period (due to the nature of insects breeding,
regrouping etc) the call out will be deemed a new call out and will be chargeable at the
appropriate rate for a new call out. During a repeat visit, if in the opinion of the Pest
Controller the reported pest problem is deemed to be greater than reported by the client, beyond
our scope of work, or due to ignoring pest advice then alternatives will be suggested. These may be chargeable.
We always endeavor to perform the work as requested in a fast and
efficient manner and to the clients satisfaction. Re-infestations are unfortunately outside our
control, as re-infestations are governed by the habits and preferences of
the bugs, the quality of the structure, the use of the dwelling by the client, the time of year and/or the lifestyle of the client, and wether the advice given by the pest controller has been followed. See our
information page on re-infestations. On our first visit, we treat the immediate problem
fast, and also provide the advice you need to avoid future infestations.
We are not responsible for re-infestations where the structure is
inviting re-infestation due to being unfinished, falling apart,
un-maintained, un-repaired or at the end of its useful life.
Normally, payments for bookings are made by IBAN Bank
transfer or debit carder.
However cash on arrival is accepted if IBAN is not practical due to timescale.
All IBAN paid call outs are on the basis of cleared funds 24 hours
before the scheduled call out. All appointments made for orders over the standard call out fee
must be paid in advance by IBAN. Appointments made for repeat call outs
or whole house surveys need to be paid by IBAN Bank transfer. For clients
security and peace of mind, we do not take clients bank
details or credit/debit card details. For cash jobs we supply a cash
receipt. For account customers we perform the work and raise an invoice
for payment (terms 30 days). Payment by the client at the end of a job
confirms that the job requested has been performed to the clients
Should we feel unhappy with the information surrounding the call out, then we reserve the right to request pre-payment.
Visit Report & Recommendations:
Recommendations, advice or suggestions that are made
whether in the visit report, or verbally on site, and not implemented, are at the clients discretion,
but non compliance or non timely implementation may result in a chargeable
repeat visit or call out or withdrawal of service. It is the sole responsibility of the client to
be present to receive the benefit of the recommendations given.
Recommendations after the
event constitutes a report and is chargeable. Requests from Pests r Us for more information
from the client that are ignored or left unanswered may result in us
withdrawing our services.
Pest infestations are important. So we expect communications to be based on more than a few words on a text messaging system. Clients must understand that important information concerning their problem is on the website and it is not possible to dispaly all the details on a mobile phone. We also assume that the client has read the website with respect the the relevant pest, and its treatment by the Pest Controller. Because of this we prefer Call Outs are confirmed in writing by email, and we always confirm bookings for Call Outs in writing via email (if possible). We cannot respond to communications other by email (if we have an email address to respond to) and that any communications (other than by email) are entirely at the clients risk.
Our pest suggestions are given in good faith, with no
guarantee suggested or implied. So in the
process of trying to assist the client, should requests by us, for more
information be ignored, or questions relating to the problem remain
unanswered then we will consider our treatment to be compromised and reserve the right to withdraw our assistance without
We always provide a Free inspection, to help in finding the cause of the pest problem. Inspections do not include the dismantling of any units, furniture or appliances. Inspections for termite damage to door
frames, fitted cupboards etc does not normally include removal of architrave.
All free inspections are visual checks for the reported pest only, and recommendations are based on what can be seen at the time. The inspection is intended to identify any existing problems and to give the person responisible for the property useful hits and tips on what to look for with respect to the reported pest. The inspection is given in good faith, but ultimately the person responsible for the propery is the person that needs to address the issues relating to the problems with the property.
Paid For:
Paid for inspections are where the customer is not sure as to the pest problem or its cause. All "Paid for inspections" are generally pre-paid and come with a written report. The inspection will include checks for any Pest Problems.
Product Orders:
On acceptance, customer orders are always acknowleded with a payment ticket. When dispatched, we always send an "order dispatched" email. After this email, it is the responsibily of the client to be available to receive the order at the address given. Should the courier not be able to find the delivery address, then he may telephone to arrange delivery. Should he find that there is no reply at the address given, then he may leave a calling card, telephone the number given or return the goods to the depot. If we recieve any information that the order has not been delivered/received then in order to help we will supply contact information to the client. After this it is the sole responsibility of the client to arrange delivery.
Intellectual Property
Pest r Us Spain has spent many years researching pesticide products in Spain. As such our specialist knowledge is what we have acquired over these years and is what we earn a living from by providing it to our customers. There are however many instances where information is not made public due to it benefiting our competition. Such information falls into the category of "Intellectual Property" and is confidential to Pests r Us.
Trademarks and other items that fall into the category of Intellectual Property are the name "Pests R Us Spain" or "Pests R Us Costa Blanca". All such items falling into this category will be clearly marked with a "(TM)" or "(C)" symbol. Any breaches of intellectual property will be pursued in the courts.
Most if not all of the chemicals used are for the
purpose of killing animals. It is therefore strongly recommended that
pets or children are prevented at all times from any contact with these
chemicals. Normal safety precautions with respect to handling
insecticides/pesticides (inhalation, contact with eyes, washing of
hands etc) should be adhered to at all times. THIS IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLIENT.
(i.e the person paying for the service)